The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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HELP with the Caspar Institute File Copy utility
To play Wombats! load BASIC on your computer, insert the Wombats
disk, and enter
If it turns out not quite so simple, consider making notes as you
go along, and prepare a W.BAT file and disk so simple that even
a child can use it merely by entering W . This program is for children.
To run Wombats! you will need an IBM pc or compatible running
BASICA or GWBASIC or some other version of MicroSoft BASIC.
Share this program. If you like it, send us a $5 vote of thanks.
║ ║ ║
║ ╔═══════════════════════╩══════════════════════════╝
║ ║
║ Thank you. ║ ╔══════════════════════════╗
║ ║ Michael ║ the Caspar Institute ║
║ ╚═══════════════════════╣ post office box 88 ║
║ ║ Caspar CA 95420 ║
This disk contains the Wombats! files, including the new, authorized*
version of Wombats! - a word-problem generating program. Its directory:
file size dated
║ WOMBATS .BAS ║ 19,712 ║ 6-10-86 ║
║ WOMBATS .DOC ║ 26,880 ║ 6-10-86 ║
║ WOMBATS .WP ║ 25,933 ║ 6-10-86 ║
WOMBATS.BAS is the BasicA / GWBasic language Computer Assisted Instruction
program. It is run as any BASICA program is run. It plays no graphic tricks,
so it should run on any computer that can read its tokenized BASIC.
This program is a wholly rewritten for the IBM PC version of Wombats!
which originally appeared in the September 1981 Creative Computing.
An unauthorized* version was published later by PC-SIG on its first
MS-DOS disk (and cited in its catalog as an example - they liked the word
Wombats! too.) A much-reduced (but nevertheless authorized*) version
appeared in Homework Helper for Atari and Commodore computers in 1984.
Wombats! and the other programs listed above are for sharing. If bugs or
inaccuracies appear, PLEASE let us know. Fix them if you can. If you like
Wombats! share it with your friends. If you like it enough, send $5 to
the Caspar Institute, box 88, Caspar CA 95420.
(next page: Other Files)
Other Files on this disk
CASPAR.BAT is a file-copying batch file that assumes
(1) you have a fixed disk drive named C: (If, when you read "fixed
disk" you think, "I didn't know it was broken," you need not
(2) you already logged onto the proper subdirectory for BASICA files,
and (3) you want to copy WOMBATS.BAS. onto your fixed disk.
If any of these are not true, and you are reading this because you
typed A:CASPAR, you should now press ^C. (While depressing the [Ctrl] key
as if it were a shift key, stroke the C key.) You may now investigate
the real functions of CASPAR.BAT using TYPE, and turn it to your own
ASK.COM is a small public domain program that enables .BAT files to
ask yes/no questions and branch according to the response.
WOMBATS.WP is a draft Word Perfect chapter for a proposed book, Teaching
with the IBM PC. It serves as documentation for Wombats!.
WOMBATS.DOC is an ASCII version of WOMBATS.WP for those unlucky few
who are not yet using Word Perfect.
(next page: Authorized*)
the authorized*
IBM-pc version
* authorized means exactly that: in the version fashioned by
the author. This Wombats! is the way I meant it to be, as
it has developed in classrooms and homes for 5 years.
Please add to it, enhance it, correct (and report) its bugs,
but please give me credit: leave my name in. If you add to
the program, add credit for yourself as well.
Michael Potts
June 1986